The Story of PATRIXXX According to...Fuck I Forgot

#Y'know when EVIL PATRIXXX first showed up on earth,
#People be like, "AW SHIT WE DED!"
#And EVIL PATRIXX be eatin them sayin,
#"Well ya are right." So EVIL PATRIXXX went around killin watchin and eatin people,
#And he pissed off some Jews and they were like,
#"LET'S GET HIM CRUCIFIED!" So they took him to the Romans.
#And the Romans were like,
#And they were like crucifyin him and shit,
#And one day EVIL PATRIXX cried out,
#"Gioerutyoirty, Gioerutyoirty. Hoeryotrutyhrotyuroprwtlkeotieyhtoejv." Which was like the Trollamaic translation of,
#"Myself, myself. What the fuck am I doin here?" And EVIL PATRIXX was like,
#"Well, I'm ded." And EVIL PATRIXXX died for your sins.
#HA! Just kidding, EVIL PATRIXXX can't die.
#So EVIL PATRIXXX jumped off da cross and started hittin all dem people with it then he crucified them and was like,
#"Well, I'm hungreh." So EVIL PATRIXXX ate everyone and his disciples weren't there to share his story because he killed them.